
DIsNey+ NewsStAnD

DisNey+ NewsStAnD

An entire newsstand at 83 Corso Garibaldi was “wrapped up” by Disney+ with giant Christmas balls, festive decorations, and colorful lights to present the new Disney+ titles for the holiday season. A dedicated team was present to welcome visitors and explain in detail the benefits of a 3-month subscription to the streaming channel, which only in this location included a free gift box of Funko Pop with Disney, Marvel, Pixar, and Star Wars action figures.

An entire newsstand at 83 Corso Garibaldi was “wrapped up” by Disney+ with giant Christmas balls, festive decorations, and colorful lights to present the new Disney+ titles for the holiday season. A dedicated team was present to welcome visitors and explain in detail the benefits of a 3-month subscription to the streaming channel, which only in this location included a free gift box of Funko Pop with Disney, Marvel, Pixar, and Star Wars action figures.